Kirchhoff Lab


Arduino Programming

In the previous article, we talk about the introduction of Arduino. Now we will discuss its software and programming which is required to use Arduino.

Arduino Software

It is not possible to program Arduino just by connecting it to the computer via USB. For this, you need to have software installed on your computer. Through which you will be able to give programs in Arduino. Which is called Arduino IDE.

To install the software, go to their Arduino website ( and click on Software. Then you have to install the latest version from there.

After installing, take the shortcut to the desktop so that you can easily access it. Once the software is installed, you need to familiarize your Arduino board with your computer. That means a driver must be installed. To do this, connect the Arduino board to your computer via USB and right-click on the PC on the desktop, and go to Properties. Go to Device Manager from the left side and go to Ports, you will see USB Serial Device. If you go to it and right-click, click on Update Driver and select Browse my computer for driver software. Then go to Browse, download and extract it, select the Driver folder that you got and click Next, the driver will be installed. Once the driver is installed, go to Ports and show Arduino Uno in place of the USB Serial Device, you will understand that your driver has been installed.

After installing the software and installing the driver, if you go to the Arduino software from the desktop, you will find a field for writing programs. After writing the program in it, clicking on the tick mark above will compile the program. Then when you connect Arduino to the laptop with USB and click on the arrow sign, the program will upload to Arduino. Now you can do this by opening the USB and getting power on Arduino.


Basic Things before moving on to the Arduino project

It is easy to understand the possibilities, problems, and steps of the work if you do a virtual computer before you do a project. The simulation software is used to do this virtually. So if we look at our projects first through simulation software then we can understand if it is possible or if there is a problem. For this, you can install Proteus on rice. To work with Arduino on Proteus, you need to have an Arduino driver installed. I hope you can do this from Google. Now we look at several projects on simulation software. For our next coming Arduino project, I assume you can do the work of Proteus fairly well.

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